JSS Connected Demo
Unlock the full potential of Sitecore with JSS in a live demo environment.
Launch Experience Profile
The Experience Profile consists of a timeline and multiple tabs that display a summary of key experience analytics data for individual contacts. You can view one contact at a time.
An information area to the right continually displays a summary of the latest visit information and metrics associated with the contact.
The Latest Visit panel contains a link to the Visit Detail report, which displays detailed information about the contact's latest visit.
Access the Experience Profile from the Sitecore Launchpad by clicking on the Experience Profile button.
Locate the contact name you created in the first step and click its name.
In the overview tab, you'll be able to see the events that you interacted with in the first stage, including any goals you triggered and those personalization events you interacted with.
The Activity tab will divide activity by Goals, Outcomes, Campaigns, etc. You'll be able to see the Activity you generated in this tab.
The Profiling tab will show you the best pattern matches for your profile based on the information you provided and activities you completed in the first step.
Next: Updating a Component